When it Comes to Peeing, Did You Know?

Almost one in four men in the US sit down to pee "every" or "most" of the time.

Germans have a slang term for men who sit down when peeing: Sitzpinklers.

Germany is encouraging men to sit down, even if it means going to court. Recently, a German property owner took his tenants to court for "splash back" damage to an apartment's marble floor.

Of thirteen countries included in the survey, Germany is where most men sit down to pee.

Forty percent of men in Germany said they always sat down; and 22 percent said "most times;" the rest said "sometimes" or "rarely;' 10 percent said they "never" sit.

In Germany, there are now signs in some public restrooms encouraging men to sit down to pee.

Sweden and Denmark followed Germany with the most significant percentage of men sitting. 

Canada came in fourth, where 16 percent said they always sat down, and 19 percent said, "most times." Twenty-one percent said they never sat down.

The US came halfway down the list of thirteen countries

Ten percent of U.S. men said they always sat down, and another 13 percent said they sat down "most of the time."

Thirty-one percent of US men said they never sat down to pee.

The country most likely to stand was Mexico. Thirty-six percent of men said they never sat to pee, and only 6 percent said they always sat.

Whether you pee standing or sitting can vary based on age. For instance, In Germany, almost 50% of men over fifty-five always sit down to pee. 

This trend was reversed in the US, where 35 percent of older men said they never sat down to pee, compared to 21 percent of younger guys.

Details of the standing/sitting study. 

Sample size: 7024 men aged 18+ in 13 countries

Dates conducted: February 2023 to April 2023

Published by: YouGov, a UK survey company.

More details: https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/0l6u6ha4yz/YouGov%20-%20Sit%20down%20urination%20men%20international.pdf

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