The operating costs of No-Flush™ urinals are only about $1.00 per 1000 uses. Drastic operating savings are achieved when compared with the rising water plus sewer costs of conventional urinals.

Substantial savings in maintenance!

Installing Waterless No-Flush™ urinals saves on:

  • Flush Valve Repairs

  • Waste Line Cleanouts

  • Deodorizers

  • Blockages

  • Overuse of Water

  • Overflows

  • Urinal Screens

  • Water Leaks

Additional savings may be realized by:

  • No winterization costs

  • Less water/sewer connection fees at new construction

  • Less pumping fees for septic tanks

  • Available rebates through your water districts

  • Reduced or No Vandalism



Payback/ROI for a Waterless No-Flush™ retrofit is usually between one and three years. With ever increasing water and sewer costs, paybacks will be even faster. In new construction the savings may also include the deletion of a water feed line, flush valves and sensors.

Please contact us for your customized Savings Evaluation Worksheet. It will quickly help you calculate the savings and returns on your investment by installing Waterless No-Flush™ fixtures. All we need to know are the number of urinals in your facility, and the approximate population using those fixtures on a daily basis.


Flushing urinals now being used in your facility are costing you for water, sewer and maintenance. These costs, now allocated in your budgets, can be converted to the purchase of waterfree urinals. Your retrofit can pay its own way!