Awareness of the factors that most impact water usage allows owners and managers to proactively minimize water waste
Vista, CA – March 25, 2025 - Building owners and managers are encouraged to reduce water consumption and improve water efficiency to reduce operating costs and use water more responsibly.
However, many don't understand which factors in their facilities most impact water usage. Identifying these factors is essential for implementing effective water efficiency strategies.
The key factors affecting commercial facility water consumption are the following:
Occupancy: The number of people using the facility
Property use: Whether it's an office building, school, arts center, or similar commercial facility.
Landscaping: Native or natural landscaping typically requires less irrigation than non-native options
Food service equipment: Water-using appliances and mechanicals older than seven years likely use more water than newer models
Restroom fixtures: Fixtures older than 10 years often use more water than newer models
Aging Plumbing. Pipes within the walls of a multi-story building are known as 'risers.' Risers generally have a lifespan of about 30 years. After this period, leaks are common, resulting in water waste.
Building owners and managers can proactively minimize water waste by being aware of these factors “and they should also go one step further," according to Klaus Reichardt, CEO and Founder of Waterless Co. Inc. marketers of no-water urinals. "Conduct a water audit.”
Like an energy audit, a water audit identifies where water is used, wasted, or no longer necessary, helping to implement effective water efficiency strategies.
Further, if changes are necessary to advance water efficiency, Reichardt suggests restrooms are the first place to start.
"Selecting highly efficient toilets, low-flow faucets, and reliable no-water urinals has become imperative to ensure state-of-the-art water efficiency in today's buildings."
Available for Interviews
Available for Interviews on Water Efficiency Issues: Klaus Reichardt,
About Waterless
Waterless Co., Inc. Introduced waterless urinals to North America in 1991. Based in Vista, CA, the company has become a leader in water efficiency. The company offers a full line of Waterless, No-Flush urinals, cleaning solutions, and other cost-saving accessories. Visit:
Waterless Co. Inc.
1050 Joshua Way
Vista, CA 92081 USA
Media Contact: Robert Kravitz
Phone: 312-880-8176