
Waterless Co "Baja" Urinal Ranked Best No-Water Urinal of 2020

July 30, 2020 – Vista, CA - According to Nestlord, a product review service affiliated with Amazon.com, the best no-water urinal for 2020 is the "Baja" from Waterless Co. Inc.

The review states that among the reasons the Baja was selected was because the cartridges used with the Baja only need to be "replaced two to four times in a year" and only cost $10.

This is far less expensive than the cartridges used, for instance, in other water-free urinals.  Plus, cartridges used in competing no-water urinals often need to be changed six or more times per year.

Atlanta Falcons Mercedes-Benz Stadium

Atlanta Falcons Mercedes-Benz Stadium

Among the other benefits pointed out in the review are the following:

·       The Baja is ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant

·       The Baja comes with two EcoTrap cartridges, considered the best in the industry.

·       BlueSeal liquid is used in these cartridges, which prevents odors from being released.

·       The Baja is also "easy to install and connects directly with two-inch standard drain lines," allowing it to be installed in almost all facilities.

Baja Waterless No-Flush Urinal

"Of course, we are very proud of the Baja," says Klaus Reichardt, CEO, and Founder of Waterless Co.

"It has been our bestselling no-water urinal for years.  We are also grateful it was honored as 'The Best Waterless Urinal of 2020.'"



About Waterless

Waterless Co. Inc. has established a well-respected reputation as being an innovative manufacturer of no-water urinal systems.  Based in Vista, Ca, the company was started in 1991 and is the oldest manufacturer of waterless urinals in North America.  The company’ manufacturers a full line of Waterless No-Flush urinals, cleaning liquids, and cost saving restroom accessories. For more info, email us at info@waterless.com or visit: www.waterless.com 

What Makes an Icon?

Some companies in the US such as Apple, Nike, Harley-Davidson, and IBM have become icons.  Virtually everyone knows who these companies are – and even more – they respect and appreciate these companies.  Many people who have purchased one of their products often feel close to these brands, as if they and their products were a friend.

If you were to ask a marketing professional how to turn a company into an icon, they would likely have just a few suggestions, such as:

·       Recommend that the company continue making quality products

·       Introduce an unusual product

·       Spend lots and lots of money on advertising and promotion

·       Wait about ten or more years and see what happens.

That's usually how many years it takes.  Most people don't know it, but Nike has been around for more than 50 years. It was not until the mid-1980s when word got around that they were making special sneakers for Michael Jordan, and when they made similar sneakers available to the public, that the company emerged as an icon.

Another company that became an icon as a result of introducing a unique product, along with spending lots of money on advertising, was Apple.  While Apple was very popular in the early 1980s, it became an icon with the introduction of the McIntosh in 1984. No one else had a computer like the Macintosh, and while the company struggled for years, it has always held on to its iconic status.

But sometimes, icons emerge because they have stood the test of time. UPS is a perfect example.  There have been delivery companies such as UPS for decades, going back to the early part of the 20th century. In fact, UPS started in 1907.  But over the past 110 years, many delivery companies have come and gone.  UPS stayed. The company grew and eventually went international. UPS became an icon merely because they had staying power.

Waterless Co, waterless urinals

And it is this staying power that takes us to Waterless Co. Inc. 

Waterless was the first company to offer waterless urinals in North America back in 1991.  Having shown that this technology works, by the early 2000s, several companies, including leading manufacturers of restroom fixtures, also introduced urinals that require no water to operate.  Some of these companies are no longer in business.  Others have found it better that they focus on their core – water-using – products. Still others have entered the market and then walked away, realizing that just one or two players in the waterless urinal industry segment, essentially offer the best in the market.

That pretty much is where we are today.  While we are reluctant to call the company an icon - at least just yet - Waterless Co. Inc. has been around longer than any other player in this industry.  Just like Apple, it introduced a product that was very unusual for its time.  When it began, Waterless Co. Inc. was the only manufacturer producing waterless urinals. While the company did not spend lots and lots of money on advertising, as it is a facility based product, they have managed to get lots of publicity and attention about their waterless urinals in all kinds of industry trade publications.

The thousands of installations Waterless urinals throughout the country and the world has also helped people and facility managers better understand these urinals, how they work, and value their multitude of benefits.

For more information on no-water urinals, contact a Waterless representative at 800-24-6394

Study shows humans are responsible for changes to Earth's water availability


A stunning new study from NASA highlights the impact humans are having on fresh water availability across the globe.

The study, published earlier this week, found that Earth's wetlands are getting wetter and dry regions are getting drier, due to human water management, climate change and natural cycles.

"What we are witnessing is major hydrologic change," said co-author Jay Famiglietti, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif., in a statement.

"We see a distinctive pattern of the wetland areas of the world getting wetter – those are the high latitudes and the tropics – and the dry areas in between getting dryer. Embedded within the dry areas we see multiple hotspots resulting from groundwater depletion."

To learn more: Click here to go to the FOX News website.

Will “Day Zero” Happen in the US?

Vista, CA - Cape Town, South Africa is approaching Day Zero.

Cape Town Water Crisis

Day Zero is when there will be no water left for its four million citizens. All taps in homes and businesses will be turned off .


The city has essentially run out of water as a result of an unrelenting three-year drought, considered the worst in more than a century.

Unless a rainfall event happens soon or some system is developed to bring water to the city, Day Zero could be declared as early as March of this year.

Cape Town South Africa

Already, city officials are preparing for a public health disaster and social unrest. 

However, even though Cape Town residents are well-aware of their dire situation, some citizens continue to use water foolishly, for instance washing their cars.

When this happens and police are called in, these people are fined, some arrested, and their buckets and sponges are confiscated as if they were illegal drugs.

Residents are allowed to use only 13 gallons of water per person, per day.  In the U.S., we use on average 66 gallons of water per person, per day.

Many believe climate change is behind this.  Countries near the North and South poles are feeling the impacts of climate change more than other parts of the world.

“Cape Town already has very strong environmental policies in place,” says Klaus Reichardt, CEO, and founder of Waterless CO manufacturers of waterless urinal systems. “They are also ahead of much of the world when it comes to effective water management.”

Will Day Zero happen in the US?

In fact, we almost did reach Day Zero when Northern California nearly ran out of water in the late 1970s.  And in the late 2000s, Atlanta only had about a three-month supply of water left, also due to a severe drought.

To prevent Day Zero from occurring here, Reichardt says, “We need to take steps now to improve water management, rebuild water infrastructure, and install more devices that use little or no water.”

Water Trivia You Always Wanted to Know

Because we are finally starting to think more about water—and ways to use it more efficiently—Waterless Co., manufacturer of no-water urinal systems, presents the following water trivia.

These are subjects most of us have wondered about at one time or another.  Hopefully, the following brings some understanding:

·        In the U.S., planners assume we will each use at least 70 gallons of water per day in the home and 35 gallons per day in the office.

·        The average household uses about 300 gallons of water per day; 70 percent is used indoors and 30 percent is used outdoors.

·        In urban areas, 75 percent of all water is used in homes.

·        In the home, roughly 60 percent of all water is used to flush toilets, and to run showers and faucets.

·        In an office, 40 percent of all water is used in restrooms, mostly for toilets and traditional urinals.

·        The average American uses 9,000 gallons of water annually to flush 230 gallons of waste.

·        Water wasted due to leaks totals about one trillion gallons annually in the U.S.

·        New studies indicate that one waterless urinal saves 30,000 to 45,000 gallons of water per year, sometimes more depending on where it is installed.

·        As to where the urine goes when using a no-water urinal, it flows below the trap/cylinder at the base of the urinal into a “U” tube to block odors; as it accumulates, it flows down a standard sewer pipe.

·        A top-loading washing machine uses 30 gallons of water per wash.

·        A front-loading washing machine uses 10 gallons of water per wash.

·        It takes energy to deliver water.  A faucet running for five minutes uses about as much energy as a 60-watt light bulb that has been turned on for 14 hours.

·        Our peak year for water consumption in the U.S. was 1980 in which we used 440 billion gallons of water per day (BGD); by 2010 that declined to 350 BGD, due to water efficiency measures and new technologies.

·        Water consumption increases with our incomes; a household making $150,000 annually will use about 30 percent more water than a household making $75,000 per year.

Note: Sources include The Water Footprint Network and the EPA’s WaterSense Program; all numbers are averages and can vary due to a variety of reasons.


About Waterless

Waterless Co. Inc. has established a well-respected reputation as being an innovative manufacturer of no-water urinal systems.  Based in Vista, Ca, the 25 year-old company is the oldest manufacturer of waterless urinals in North America.  The company’ manufacturers a full line of Waterless No-Flush urinals, cleaning liquids, and cost saving accessories. Visit: www.waterless.com