Product Availability from Waterless Co., Inc.

Because of coronavirus, many of our customers - commercial and government - have contacted us regarding product availability. This is a reasonable concern because the global supply chain has been broken in many parts of the world, causing serious product delays.


Currently, all of our products are available. This includes urinals, our EcoTrapĀ® systems, as well as the many liquids and related products we sell. These products are stored in our warehouses in California, and we do not anticipate any shipment delays or inventory shortages.

We will keep you posted should there be any changes. We are monitoring our supply chain and inventories far more closely now than ever before. If it appears a shortage may develop, we will do everything we can to rectify the situation as quickly as possible as well as keep all our customers informed.

While our primary concern is that everyone stays healthy, we also want you to know that you can count on Waterless Co., to have the products you need when you need them.


Klaus Reichardt, CEO, and Founder, Waterless Co., Inc.