Gemini Whats a Waterless Urinal?

We asked Gemini, Google's new AI technology, to explain what a waterless urinal in simple terms. Here's what it said:

A waterless urinal is just like a regular urinal, but it doesn't use any water to flush away the waste.

There are two main types of waterless urinals:

  • Cartridge-based urinals: These have a replaceable cartridge that contains a sealant or liquid that traps the waste and prevents odors. The cartridge needs to be replaced every few thousand uses. (Waterless Co., Inc. markets cartridge-based urinals)

  • Trap-based urinals: These use a series of baffles and traps to separate the urine from the air, which prevents odors. Trap-based urinals don't require cartridges, but they may need to be cleaned more often than cartridge-based urinals.

Waterless urinals have several advantages over traditional urinals, including:

  • They conserve water: Waterless urinals can save thousands of gallons per year, which can help reduce water bills and conserve this precious resource.

  • They are more hygienic: The sealant or trap in waterless urinals helps prevent the spreading of bacteria and other germs.

  • They are low maintenance: Waterless urinals don't require flushing, so they require less maintenance than traditional urinals.

  • They are environmentally friendly: Waterless urinals help to reduce water consumption and waste, which is good for the environment.


Overall, waterless urinals are an excellent option for anyone who is looking to conserve water and reduce their environmental impact.