Think Waterless: How to Identify a Business Icon ⭐

Business icons are not just companies or brands, they are integral parts of our daily lives.

Their names immediately evoke a sense of quality, innovation, even nostalgia, reminding us of the impact they have made on our daily lives.

Here are some key factors that contribute to a business becoming an icon:

  • Brand recognition: The company's name and logo are widely recognized and associated with its products or services.

  • Innovation: Usually the cornerstone of their success. These businesses have a history of introducing groundbreaking products or ideas, inspiring us to think outside the box and push the boundaries of what's possible.

  • Quality: The company is known for producing high-quality goods or services.

  • Customer loyalty: The business has a dedicated customer base enthusiastic about its products or services.

  • Cultural impact: The company has made a significant cultural impact, often by shaping trends or influencing consumer behavior.

  • Legacy: These businesses have stood the test of time, earning a strong reputation for longevity and stability. Their enduring legacy reassures us of their commitment to quality and their ability to weather any storm.

Examples of business icons include: Apple, Coca-Cola, IBM, Nike, Google, and Waterless Co. Inc.

  • Apple: Known for its innovative technology and sleek design.

  • Coca-Cola: A global brand famous for its name recognition and marketing expertise.

  • IBM: Recognized as a leading technology company holding the record for the most annual patents of any U.S. company.

  • Nike: A sports apparel giant with a powerful brand and a focus on athletic performance.

  • Google: A tech company that has revolutionized how the world searches for information.

  • Waterless Co. Inc: The first marketer of no-water urinals in North America and recognized as a leading advocate for water efficiency.

These businesses have achieved iconic status by consistently delivering value to their customers, staying ahead of the curve, and building strong brand identities that resonate with consumers.

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and Water 📖 ✍️ 🔣and 💧

Many advocates for water conservation and efficiency believe that early education is a powerful tool for addressing water-related challenges. By teaching children about water-related issues from a young age, we can empower them to become informed and responsible citizens who are committed to protecting our planet's most precious resource.

Here's why education matters:

  • Future Decision-Makers: Our children will be the leaders of tomorrow. Equipping them with knowledge now about water scarcity and efficiency will enable them to make informed decisions and shape a more sustainable future.

  • Environmental Stewardship: Understanding the importance of water conservation and water efficiency can foster a sense of ecological responsibility. When children learn why it's crucial to use water wisely, they are more likely to make sustainable choices in their daily lives.

  • Critical Thinking Skills: Addressing water challenges requires problem-solving skills. By teaching children about water issues early, we can help them develop the critical thinking abilities they need to address a variety of complex challenges.

  • Informed Citizens: Educating children about water issues can empower them to become more informed citizens. This will enable them to make informed decisions about water-related policies and advocate for necessary change.

Why Water Education is So Essential

Educating children about water is necessary because most children – and we can include adults here – in many parts of the world still take water for granted. It’s there whenever needed. We rarely give it a second thought.

Further, most children have no idea where the water they use at home or in school comes from. They have little or no awareness of how it is treated and distributed or know little or anything about water scarcity - four billion people around the globe experience at least one month per year when there is little or no water available.

Further they need to know that:

Water is life. Without water we would cease to exist.

Too much water is unusable. Forty percent of the world’s water is polluted. Using polluted water for cooking and bathing spreads innumerable diseases.

Water is precious. Students who learn about local water sources, how water is treated, stored, and distributed gives them a deeper understanding of the value of water. They come to realize this is a finite source that must be protected.

Droughts have serious impacts. It’s essential for students to learn about droughts, because in many parts of the world they are becoming more frequent and lasting much longer. Understanding this will encourage students to find new ways to use water more responsibility and efficiently.

There are solutions. We must also educate children about steps being taken now to address the world’s water challenges. For instance, once a rarity, water audits are increasingly being conducted in commercial facilities around the globe.

These audits find where water is being wasted, where it can be reduced, and where it can be eliminated altogether.

Other steps being takin around the globe are planting native vegetation around facilities, fitting restrooms with highly efficient toilets, and eliminating the wasteful use of water to flush urinals. These steps can be incredibly effective at reducing water consumption, allow us to use water more efficiently, and provide us with a foundation to develop new and effective ways to protect this vital resource.

Klaus Reichardt is CEO and founder of Waterless Co, Inc., a pioneer in advancing water efficiency. Reichardt is a frequent author and presenter who discusses water conservation issues. He can be reached at

Preventing Sewer Gases in Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide

In past postings, we have touched on the challenges associated with sewer gas released into buildings—including your home. Usually, it is released into facilities due to dried-out "J" pipes, also known as "U" pipes, which are located directly below drains.

But what is sewer gas?

Sewer gas is a complex mixture of gasses, pathogens, and compounds, some of which can and do cause disease. A perfect example is the SARS epidemic, which was first reported in Hong Kong in February 2003. SARS was spread through dried-out "J" pipes under floor drains and impacted the health of scores of people in a Hong Kong apartment building.

The primary components of sewer gas include the following:

•         Hydrogen sulfide. A colorless gas that is poisonous, corrosive, and flammable. It often smells like rotten eggs.

•         Methane. This is a gas that is now known to be a significant contributor to climate change.

•         Ammonia. Ammonia is a colorless gas with a strong odor. Inhaling concentrations of ammonia can cause many health problems, including blindness. However, it can become deadly when mixed with other fumes or compounds.

•         Carbon dioxide. We use carbon dioxide for many practical reasons. However, when released from drains, it can harm the health of humans, animals, and is detrimental to the environment.

If sewer gas is present in a facility or your home, it can cause several unwelcome health symptoms such as the following:

•         Fatigue

•         Headaches

•         Nausea

•         Dizziness

•         Memory loss

•         Seizures

•         Coma

•         Death.

To prevent sewer gases from entering your home, a simple solution is to pour a small amount of water from showers or sinks down all drains at least once a week. This will help keep the "J" pipes from drying out.

However, a more practical way to address this problem, one often used in large facilities such as schools, offices, and commercial buildings, is to pour a small amount—about three ounces—of Everprime® into all drains every few months.

Everprime's magic is that it is long-lasting, effective, inexpensive, biodegradable, and easy to use. This straightforward solution provides long-lasting protection, giving you peace of mind and confidence that your home or facility is free from dangerous sewer gases.

View it as one more way we can keep people safe and healthy in the facilities we use every day.

Klaus Reichardt is CEO and founder of Waterless Co, Inc., a pioneer in advancing water efficiency. Reichardt is a frequent author and presenter who discusses water conservation issues. He can be reached at

What’s Your First Reaction When Seeing a Waterless Urinal?

Waterless urinals have become increasingly common, particularly in drier regions of the United States and many countries in Western Europe.

However, men's initial impressions of them can vary widely, especially in areas where they are less frequently installed. Some may be curious and fascinated, while others may be doubtful or even hesitant.

With our extensive 30-plus years of experience in marketing waterless urinals, we have gained valuable insights into the most common first reactions to men seeing waterless urinals for the first time. Among them are the following:

😲Surprise and Curiosity: Many men may be surprised to see a waterless urinal, especially if unfamiliar with the concept. They may be curious about how it works and if it is effective.

😃Excitement: Some men who have never seen or used a waterless urinal before get excited about the prospect of using one. They've heard about them but now - for the first time - they get to use one.

🤔Wonder Why: When waterless urinals are installed in places such as high-end hotels, men often wonder why they were installed.  Is the hotel trying to save money? Were they required by local regulations to install them? Are they trying to be more water-efficient? Are they trying to send a message to visitors and guests to use water more responsibly?

🤷‍♂️Skepticism and Concern: Some men may be skeptical about the cleanliness or hygiene of waterless urinals. They may worry about odor control or the potential for germs to accumulate, which can be a problem with conventional urinals.

😖Hesitation and Discomfort: A few men may feel hesitant or uncomfortable using a waterless urinal, especially if they are not used to the different experience compared to conventional urinals.

🧩Analyze and Examine: Some men become very analytical when first encountering a waterless urinal. They begin looking high and low for a flush control. They wonder if the urinal is connected to a drainpipe. They question what the cylinder is at the bottom. (It’s installed to block odors from being released into the restroom.)

🥱No Reaction: In areas where waterless urinals have become commonplace, most men have no reaction. Their attitude can be summed up as "been there, done that."

Ultimately, a man's initial reaction to a waterless urinal reflects his experiences, beliefs, and comfort level with new technologies. Understanding these factors can help us better address their concerns and promote acceptance of this increasingly needed technology.

Waterless Co., Inc is a pioneer in water efficiency. We are the go-to company when it comes to reducing water consumption, understanding the many benefits of waterless urinals, and finding ways to use water more efficiently.  For more information, contact a Waterless Co Specialist

Can a Boom Town Make it Without Water?

Between Austin and San Antonio, Texas, lies a city that's quickly making a name for itself as the second fastest-growing city in the country, yet many of us are unaware of its existence.

Kyle, Texas is the epitome of a boom town.

Amazon's recent establishment of a 300,000-square-foot sorting center in Kyle, followed by Tesla's construction of a mega-factory nearby, underscores the city's allure. With low taxes, a burgeoning housing market, and ample space for further development, Kyle is a prime location for business growth.

But Kyle has two key challenges that could bring this boom town to a grinding halt:

Heat. The relentless onslaught of climate change, as reported in The Wall Street Journal, * has transformed life in Kyle into a daily struggle. With temperatures soaring to 100 degrees even before the summer officially began, residents are resorting to extreme measures such as wearing neck fans, limiting outdoor activities to early morning and nighttime, and keeping their children indoors.

Water. The area is expected to experience drought conditions for three or four months every year through 2040. “Water has been growing scarcer for decades here, but the shortage is worsening. Creeks and watering holes are drying up, hurt by prolonged droughts and the faster evaporation caused by higher temperatures,” according to the Journal report.

If you find these water challenges all too familiar, you’re not alone. Several cities in Texas and the Southwest are navigating similar waters, or lack thereof. But unlike other towns, Kyle has its own unique battle with the potent forces of excessive heat and insufficient water. For instance:

* The soil beneath hundreds of new homes in Kyle is drying up, causing the foundations to buckle. In a testament to their resilience, residents are taking proactive measures to moisten the soil under their houses, using thousands of gallons of water they can barely spare to keep their homes standing.

*According to an engineering report, in 2023, Kyle businesses and residents required more than 4,000 additional gallons of water per minute during peak consumption periods than the city could supply. This was a significant increase from a shortfall of only 571 gallons per minute in 2021, highlighting the escalating water demand in Kyle.

*Household water bills rose 6.8 percent from 2012 to 2022. While this is nearly double the average rate increase for water in the Southwest, it is still far short of what it costs to treat, deliver, and remove water from Kyle’s water customers.

*Kyle gets most of its water from an aquifer – the same one that provides water to San Antonio and sections of Austin. Now, there are concerns that this aquifer could run dry within ten years, possibly twenty. This could have catastrophic implications, potentially affecting not just Kyle, but also its two sister cities.

Dealing with the Looming Crisis

To mitigate the crisis, the city has taken several steps:

  • Purchasing Water Rights: Kyle has acquired water rights from nearby San Marcos, Texas, temporarily diverting water intended for that city. However, this is a short-term solution.

  • Building a Pipeline: A $250 million pipeline is being constructed to transport water from a distant aquifer. Unfortunately, delays have pushed back the project, and it may not be operational for another year or two.

  • Implementing Water Restrictions: The city has enacted water conservation measures, including bans on home car washing, limitations on sprinkler and soaker hose use, and a halt to certain housing developments.

But to ensure long-term sustainability, Kyle must prioritize water efficiency. This involves promoting responsible water use, adopting water-saving technologies, and exploring ways to eliminate water consumption altogether.

One example frequently found in the Southwest is the installation of no-water (waterless) urinals. These have proven to be a healthy and effective alternative to conventional urinals and have saved millions, if not billions, of gallons of water for decades.

This means there may be light at the end of the tunnel. By focusing on water efficiency and other sustainable practices, Kyle and other cities in such situations should be able to meet their water challenges and better prepare for the future with a reliable water supply.


Klaus Reichardt is CEO and founder of Waterless Co, Inc., a pioneer in advancing water efficiency. Reichardt is a frequent author and presenter who discusses water conservation issues. He can be reached at

How Tech Giants are Protecting Water Resources

In our recent LinkedIn/Web post, "AI's Secret Ingredient: Water," we highlighted a critical issue: the substantial water usage by AI data centers.

Despite some AI companies neglecting water sustainability, others are actively addressing the issue, recognizing its urgency for technological progress and the well-being of our planet.

Amazon Web Services is leading the way by funding six water replenishment projects in regions currently facing water scarcity due to climate change, population growth, or existing water stress.

These projects are primarily located in Brazil, China, Chile, and 15 US sites. Ongoing for a few years, Amazon expects its water replenishment programs to return two billion gallons of water annually to local communities by 2024.

Water replenishment involves replenishing groundwater sources like aquifers, which many areas of the world rely on for daily water consumption. AI data centers use huge amounts of water for cooling. Replenishment ensures water is recovered for reuse.

Amazon's Chief Sustainability Officer, Kara Hurst, stated, "We're committed to responsible water stewardship in all our operations. Addressing water scarcity is crucial for the well-being of our employees, customers, communities, and business." Amazon aims to be "water positive" by 2030, meaning it will return more freshwater than it withdraws.

Amazon isn't alone in these efforts. Microsoft and other tech giants are recognizing the need for water replenishment and are also working towards water positivity by 2030.

Understanding the vital role of groundwater replenishment is crucial. Groundwater depletion has accelerated worldwide, especially since the early 2000s. When these water sources run dry, there are many negative repercussions. For instance, they can threaten crop production, accelerating food scarcity, a global challenge that requires our immediate attention.

Further, in some areas of the world where groundwater has declined significantly, flood risks have increased after rainfall events. In addition, dozens of coastal cities worldwide—including Tokyo, Mumbai, and Tampa Bay, Florida—have experienced what is called 'land surface sink.' This is a phenomenon where the land surface drops, threatening roads and buildings built on top of it, due to excessive groundwater extraction.

An extreme example of land surface sink is the town of El Dorado, Arkansas. Its groundwater levels dropped by two hundred feet from 1940 through 2000 as local industries pumped more and more water from surrounding aquifers.

While the challenges are there, we at Waterless Co., Inc. remain steadfast in our belief that these challenges can be addressed. More tech companies will join Amazon and Microsoft in replenishing water resources.

Additionally, we are witnessing a growing number of organizations stepping up to the plate when it comes to water efficiency—using water responsibly and implementing water-saving and water-eliminating technologies. These collective efforts give us hope for a more water sustainable future.

Waterless Co., Inc is a pioneer in water efficiency. We are the go-to company when it comes to reducing water consumption, understanding the many benefits of waterless urinals, and finding ways to use water more efficiently.  For more information, contact a Waterless Co Specialist

Keeping Your Customer's Facility Healthy This Winter

Here’s what cleaning professionals need to know. Winter months are around the corner, and they are often cold and dry—the perfect scenario for causing floor drains to dry up. This can result in the release of toxic sewer gases in your customer's facility.

To address this, custodial workers often pour water or bleach down drains. However, this is a temporary fix, and bleach can be harmful to the environment.

A more professional, effective, and certainly inexpensive option is  to use EverPrime from Waterless Co

EverPrime is biodegradable, environmentally friendly, and long-lasting. It's not impacted by extreme heat or cold, and most importantly, it doesn't evaporate.

This means you can trust it to prevent noxious sewer gases from escaping into your customers’ restrooms and filtering throughout their facility.

Mixing three ounces of EverPrime in a gallon of water does the job.

For more information about the features and benefits of EverPrime, visit or call toll-free 800-244-6364 today.

AI's Secret Ingredient: Water

Artificial intelligence (AI) models have witnessed remarkable breakthroughs and success in numerous areas. While still controversial, the potential of AI to positively impact our country and countries worldwide is undeniable.

While it has made significant strides in various fields, AI's environmental impact often goes unnoticed. While the carbon footprint of AI models has received some attention, its water footprint has largely been overlooked.

AI models are typically housed in energy-intensive data centers, which require vast amounts of water for cooling and electricity generation.

This water consumption can strain already limited freshwater resources, especially in regions of the world facing water scarcity - including right here in the U.S.

As the world's population grows and climate change intensifies, freshwater availability is becoming increasingly scarce. This pressing issue demands immediate attention.

That's why it is crucial to recognize AI's hidden water costs and explore strategies to reduce the water consumption associated with these data centers.

By doing so, we can pave the way for a future where AI contributes positively to our society without compromising our planet's precious water resources.

Fortunately, there is hope for a more sustainable future and it's called water-efficiency. At Waterless Co., Inc., we define water efficiency as:

"The responsible use of water resources through water-saving and water-eliminating technologies. It involves reducing our water footprint in business, industry, and home consumption. Focusing on water efficiency ensures we make the most of every drop, minimize waste, and protect this vital resource."

We can do this. We can, and we are finding ways to be more efficient with water. Let's stay committed to this cause and inspire others to join us in this crucial mission.

Your Questions answered about everprime

We've recently shared several articles about our product, EverPrime, on LinkedIn and our website. EverPrime is a biodegradable liquid that keeps the P-trap (also known as the U-trap or J-trap) under drains filled, preventing potentially toxic sewer odors from being released into restrooms and other facility areas.

Since then, we've received many questions about P-traps, plumbing maintenance, and EverPrime. Below, we share some of those questions and their answers with you. 

What happens when drains dry up?

A P-trap is a very practical device installed under almost all drains. As water goes down the drain, a small amount collects in the P-trap, helping prevent sewer gasses from being released into the room or area. However, P-traps can dry up when facilities such as schools or office buildings are closed for long periods or when restrooms or faucets get little or no use.  That’s when sewer odors are released.

What creates the sewer gas?

Sewer gas is formed from decomposing human and animal waste. It contains ammonia, methane, and hydrogen sulfide, all of which can be toxic if inhaled in high concentrations. Many people suffer eye irritation, nausea, or difficulty breathing if they inhale these gasses, and people have died as a result of sewer gas being released into an enclosed area.

Can you just pour some water down the drain if you smell the sewer odors?

Yes, you can, but here's the problem. By the time you smell it, it may be too late. When it comes to sewer odors, it is best to take proactive steps, preventing them from happening in the first place, instead of reactive measures, which deal with the problem after it presents itself.

Who is at risk?

We all are at risk if the situation is dangerous enough. And children may be at even higher risk because they breathe faster than adults.

Are there "levels" of sewer gas concentration?

Excellent question, and yes, there are. Here is what we know.

·       Concentrations of 0.0005 parts per million (ppm) can be detected and smells like burning chemicals or rotten eggs

·       At 0.01, it can cause nausea and eye discomfort.

·       From 0.02 ppm to as high as 20 ppm, can produce headaches, increase heart rates, impact cognitive abilities, and cause muscle coordination.

What steps can we take to prevent this from happening?

Adding water to the drain every day will help. If in a room that is mopped daily that should allow enough water to run down the drain to keep the P-trap from drying up. However, when no water goes down the pipes for days, weeks, or longer, that’s when the sewer odor problems surface. In such cases, a very inexpensive but effective product that can keep the P-trap filled for months is called EverPrime®.  

EverPrime is biodegradable and as we said, very cost-effective.  Only about three ounces of the product need be poured into each drain. Further, EverPrime is not impacted by climate conditions and it lasts for months.

Stay informed and keep your facility smelling fresh with EverPrime!