Most Embarrassing Moments in a Public Restroom

We’ve all heard it told that many people are uncomfortable using public restrooms.  Typically this refers to the fact that they are concerned about germs and disease. 

But public restrooms can also be the source of several embarrassing situations, according to a recent study reported by the publication Metro, published in the U.K.

According to the study, the most embarrassing things that can happen in a public restroom – some of which have probably happened to just about all of us – include the following:

·        Finding there is no toilet paper in the stall, 58 percent

·        Not locking the door or stall door and someone coming in, 26 percent

·        Entering the wrong gender’s restroom by mistake, 23 percent

·        Being physically sick in the restroom, 14 percent

·        Clogging the toilet so it does not flush completely, 10 percent

·        Someone in an adjacent cubicle starting a conversation with you, 9 percent

·        Somehow getting locked in a restroom or stall and having to be rescued, 5 percent

·        Falling asleep in a stall, 4 percent

·        Dropping your phone in the toilet, 4 percent

“For many American men, another embarrassing moment is when they walk into a men’s restroom in Europe and find a female attendant in the restroom,” says Klaus Reichardt, CEO and founder of Waterless Co. Inc., makers of waterless urinals and other restroom products.  “However, this is very common and accepted throughout Europe and many other parts of the world.”

EverPrime Waterless Drain Trap Liquid

EverPrime from Waterless Co. is designed for drains that tend to dry out due to lack of use, keeping indoor air clean and healthy.

Totally biodegradable and freeze resistant, EverPrime eliminates sewer odors, minimizes plumbing and maintenance calls, and keeps pests away.

Use it in floor and shower drains, sinks, and even unused water fountains.

Great for schools, restaurants, stadiums, factories, empty/vacant buildings, marine applications, and other facilities.

Its freeze point is -20°, making EverPrime excellent for winterizing traps.


For more information, visit or call toll-free: 800-244-6364.

Why You Should Care About Water Conservation

Presenter: Steve Spencer

Channels: BSC Focus, Distributor Focus, Educational Quick Clips, Green Cleaning, Management, Standards, All Videos

How can the Earth be facing a water shortage when the planet is 70 percent water? And what does this scarcity mean for the cleaning industry? In this Educational Quick Clip, Steve Spencer explains how droughts are affecting drinkable water in the United States and elsewhere—and what changes might be in store for jansan professionals.

About the Presenter

Steve Spencer is a facilities specialist in cleaning and interior maintenance for State Farm Insurance Co. He is regarded as one of the nation's leading authorities on safety, health, and hygiene, and is a nationally recognized consultant, author, and speaker with more than 30 years of experience in the jansan industry.

Ten Years Away and Counting: The World's Most Serious Risk

Ten Years Away and Counting: The World's Most Serious Risk

The World Economic Forum has just released its Global Risks 2016 report of likely risks and their potential impact on the world... The report concluded that the most serious risk within the next ten years regards water: while this can include flooding, what is expected to have more impact is that hundreds of millions of people will have limited or no access to safe drinking water.

No More Drain Odors

Many facilities experience odors emanating from floor and other drains in restrooms that are scarcely used.

This is because the trap water in the pipe has dried up, allowing sewer odors to enter the room.

Now EverPrime from Waterless Co. eliminates this problem.

Simply add EverPrime along with a bucket of water one time to a dried-out floor drain. The EverPrime never evaporates, meaning odors are a thing of the past.

EverPrime is long lasting, cost effective, and environmentally responsible. And it is available in quarts or gallons.

For more information, visit, or call toll-free: 800-244-6364.

Why the Coming El Nino Does Not Mean the Drought Is Over

Vista, CA - Meteorologists are predicting that California and parts of the western United States are in for a very strong El Niño over the next six months.

In fact, it could be the most powerful El Niño since 1997–1998, which brought rain to California and other western states virtually every day for five months.

According to the National Ocean Service, the term El Niño refers to a warming of sea surface temperatures. This causes warmer-than-average temperatures over western and central Canada and over the western and northern United States, bringing with it wetter-than-average conditions.

The 1997–1998 El Niño was the warmest and wettest season ever experienced in California. Some areas of the state that normally receive only several inches of rain the entire year, received 20 inches or more in one month.

“But the heavy rainfall from El Niño does not mean drought conditions are over,” says Klaus Reichardt, CEO and founder of Waterless Co Inc. “La Niña is typically right behind. That’s a cooling period [that] causes rainfall to be reduced dramatically, and can last longer than an El Niño.”

In fact, three of the past five major El Niño periods have all been followed by very dry La Niña periods.

Because of this, Reichardt suggests that building owners, managers, and facility service providers must “not put down their guard. Water concerns, droughts, and shortages are now a part of life in many parts of North America.”

To address this situation, Reichardt suggests the following:


·        Move facility actions from water conservation to water efficiency. Water conservation is short-term water reduction; water efficiency is a long-term reduction in water consumption.

·        Make wise water choices. Whenever making a restroom, kitchen, or mechanical product selection, consider the amount of water the product uses first.

·        Increase recycling. We save about 3.5 gallons of water just by recycling a pound of paper – the equivalent of a typical daily newspaper.*

·        Consider beef consumption. Pound for pound, beef has a much higher water footprint than vegetables, grains, or beans. Producing a single pound of beef requires, on average, 1,800 gallons of water.*

“And just start becoming more water conscious,” adds Reichardt. “We have all become energy and fuel conscious and it has paid off. Now we must do the same with water.”




*Source:  The Hidden Water in Everyday Products; Grace Communications Foundation, a public awareness organization focused on environmental issues

Why the Coming El Nino Does Not Mean the Drought Is Over

Vista, CA - Meteorologists are predicting that California and parts of the western United States are in for a very strong El Niño over the next six months.

In fact, it could be the most powerful El Niño since 1997–1998, which brought rain to California and other western states virtually every day for five months.

According to the National Ocean Service, the term El Niño refers to a warming of sea surface temperatures. This causes warmer-than-average temperatures over western and central Canada and over the western and northern United States, bringing with it wetter-than-average conditions.

The 1997–1998 El Niño was the warmest and wettest season ever experienced in California. Some areas of the state that normally receive only several inches of rain the entire year, received 20 inches or more in one month.

“But the heavy rainfall from El Niño does not mean drought conditions are over,” says Klaus Reichardt, CEO and founder of Waterless Co Inc. “La Niña is typically right behind. That’s a cooling period [that] causes rainfall to be reduced dramatically, and can last longer than an El Niño.”

In fact, three of the past five major El Niño periods have all been followed by very dry La Niña periods.

Because of this, Reichardt suggests that building owners, managers, and facility service providers must “not put down their guard. Water concerns, droughts, and shortages are now a part of life in many parts of North America.”

To address this situation, Reichardt suggests the following:

·        Move from water conservation to water efficiency. Water conservation is short-term water reduction; water efficiency is a long-term reduction in water consumption.

·        Make wise water choices. Whenever making a restroom or kitchen product selection, consider the amount of water the product uses first.

·        Increase recycling. We save about 3.5 gallons of water just by recycling a pound a paper – the equivalent of a typical daily newspaper.*

·        Reduce beef consumption. Pound for pound, beef has a much higher water footprint than vegetables, grains, or beans. Producing a single pound of beef requires, on average, 1,800 gallons of water.*

“And just start becoming more water conscious,” adds Reichardt. “We have all become energy and fuel conscious and it has paid off. Now we must do the same with water.”



For more information on how to use water more efficiently, please contact a Waterless Co representative. 

New Executive Order Puts Focus on Water Consumption

Encourages Development of “Net Zero Water” Buildings

In March 2015, President Obama issued Executive Order 13693.  This Order, which has proven to be far less controversial than some of the President’s other Executive Orders, is tightly focused on what is termed “energy and water security” and applies specifically to federally owned and operated facilities around the world.

However, as with President Clinton’s Executive Order 13101 dealing with green and sustainable issues, it is expected to have considerable impact on all types of facilities, private as well as government owned.   Among the provisions of the order, which will be implemented in stages beginning in 2016 and through 2025, are the following:

·        All facilities are to begin implementing programs that use water more efficiently

·        Reduce potable (drinkable) water consumption by 36 percent by fiscal year 2025 through reductions of 2 percent annually through fiscal year 2025

·        Installing water meters and collecting and utilizing building and facility water balance data to improve water conservation and management

·        Reducing industrial, landscaping, and agricultural water consumption measured in gallons by 2 percent annually through fiscal year 2025

·        Installing appropriate green infrastructure features on federally owned property to help with stormwater and wastewater management

Among several other measures, the Order also calls for the development of “net zero water” buildings. According to Klaus Reichardt, CEO and founder of Waterless Co Inc., manufacturers of no-water urinal systems, this refers to buildings that are designed, constructed, renovated, and operated to greatly reduce total water consumption as well as recycle and reuse water.

“As with most ‘net zero’ programs, the ultimate goal is to eliminate waste,” says Reichardt. “In this case, instead of fuel or energy, this Order is focused on eliminating water waste.”

The Order also provides recommendations on how building owners/managers can implement the program from using WaterSense® certified products to installing water efficient products. 

“To meet ‘net zero water’ requirements can be simpler than many building owners/managers may realize,” adds Reichardt.  “In some cases, just installing no-water urinals (termed by WaterSense as equivalent to low flow urinals), and high-efficiency toilets may reduce consumption enough to meet the new guidelines.”

For more information on how to use water more efficiently, please contact a Waterless Co representative.