Waterless Co. Inc.

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Preventing Sewer Gases in Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide

In past postings, we have touched on the challenges associated with sewer gas released into buildings—including your home. Usually, it is released into facilities due to dried-out "J" pipes, also known as "U" pipes, which are located directly below drains.

But what is sewer gas?

Sewer gas is a complex mixture of gasses, pathogens, and compounds, some of which can and do cause disease. A perfect example is the SARS epidemic, which was first reported in Hong Kong in February 2003. SARS was spread through dried-out "J" pipes under floor drains and impacted the health of scores of people in a Hong Kong apartment building.

The primary components of sewer gas include the following:

•         Hydrogen sulfide. A colorless gas that is poisonous, corrosive, and flammable. It often smells like rotten eggs.

•         Methane. This is a gas that is now known to be a significant contributor to climate change.

•         Ammonia. Ammonia is a colorless gas with a strong odor. Inhaling concentrations of ammonia can cause many health problems, including blindness. However, it can become deadly when mixed with other fumes or compounds.

•         Carbon dioxide. We use carbon dioxide for many practical reasons. However, when released from drains, it can harm the health of humans, animals, and is detrimental to the environment.

If sewer gas is present in a facility or your home, it can cause several unwelcome health symptoms such as the following:

•         Fatigue

•         Headaches

•         Nausea

•         Dizziness

•         Memory loss

•         Seizures

•         Coma

•         Death.

To prevent sewer gases from entering your home, a simple solution is to pour a small amount of water from showers or sinks down all drains at least once a week. This will help keep the "J" pipes from drying out.

However, a more practical way to address this problem, one often used in large facilities such as schools, offices, and commercial buildings, is to pour a small amount—about three ounces—of Everprime® into all drains every few months.

Everprime's magic is that it is long-lasting, effective, inexpensive, biodegradable, and easy to use. This straightforward solution provides long-lasting protection, giving you peace of mind and confidence that your home or facility is free from dangerous sewer gases.

View it as one more way we can keep people safe and healthy in the facilities we use every day.

Klaus Reichardt is CEO and founder of Waterless Co, Inc., a pioneer in advancing water efficiency. Reichardt is a frequent author and presenter who discusses water conservation issues. He can be reached at klaus@waterless.com