Waterless Co. Inc.

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Report Indicates Growth of No-Water Urinal Installations Worldwide

A November 2019 study indicates that the global market for no-water/waterless urinals is expected to expand by eight percent in the next eight years.  

The research was conducted by Transparency Market Research (TMR), an analytics, research, and advisory service for Fortune 500 companies.

The reasons given for the growth rate, according to TMR, include the following: 

  • Rising concerns about public hygiene (waterless urinals do not need to be touched, making them more hygienic)

  • Growing industrialization in developing countries

  • New innovations and technologies in the waterless urinal industry

  • Updated and more attractive designs.

Another reason given is that no-water urinals are a "more appropriate option for the promotion of public urinals."

This references the fact that waterless urinals do not need to be plumbed to release water, reducing installation needs, costs, and requirements considerably.

"Of course, the big driver for the selection of no-water urinals is worldwide water concerns," says Klaus Reichardt, CEO and Founder of Waterless Co., Inc.

"Population and business growth, [for instance], in parts of Asia cannot keep up with the demand for water. They need technologies like waterless urinals to help reduce their growing water appetite."

The research also indicated that the commercial sectors that will most likely be selecting no-water urinals in the future include the healthcare industry, hospitality (both hotels and restaurants), industrial locations, offices, schools, and shopping complexes.

It was also reported that the installation of waterless urinals would grow in the residential sector, especially in the U.S. This is fueled by the likely increase in residential construction in the U.S. as well as the development of residential properties that are greener and more sustainability-focused.

"There has been interest in waterless urinals for the home for more than a decade," says Reichardt. "It seems to go up and down; however, in the past few years, the direction has been steadily pointing upward."



About Waterless

Waterless Co. Inc. has established a well-respected reputation as being an innovative manufacturer of no-water urinal systems. Based in Vista, Ca, the nearly 30 year-old company is the oldest manufacturer of waterless urinals in North America. The company offers a full line of Waterless No-Flush urinals, cleaning liquids, and cost saving accessories. Visit: www.waterless.com