Waterless Co. Inc.

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Five Most Commonly Asked Questions About Waterless Urinals - Today

As the oldest marketer of waterless urinals in North America, Klaus Reichardt, CEO, and founder of Waterless Co., Inc. says he has heard about every question imaginable about waterless urinals.

Years ago, he says, the questions were more elementary, like:

•   How do they work?

•   How much water can they save?

•   How do you use them? 

However, today, building owners know much more about waterless urinals and have “far more weighty questions.” 

According to Reichardt, the five most frequently asked questions he gets today – and their answers - are listed below:

Do we need them in our facility?

This all depends on the number of males using the building and if this is new construction or restroom renovation. If new construction, there are few reasons not to install no-water urinals. If a retrofit, and ten or more males use the facility, there will be a return on the investment in a short time. This is due to rising water and sewer rates throughout the country.

So, what is the return on the investment?

This can vary on many factors such as the number of males in the facility, water and sewer rates in your area, and the age of the urinals currently installed and how much water they consume. Waterless urinals range in price from $250 to $500 per unit. In most cases, the return on the investment on a waterless urinal is about two years, often less.

Do they cost more to install than traditional urinals?

No, installation charges are invariably less because there are fewer parts involved. For instance, waterless urinals require no flush valves or direct water lines.

Can installing waterless urinals help us get LEED certification?

Yes. Reducing water consumption is one of the goals of the LEED program. They encourage the installation of all types of restroom fixtures that use less or no water.

Are there odor issues we should be aware of?

Waterless urinals have cartridges installed in the base of the urinal. Filled with a barrier fluid, these cylinders suppress odors and block vapors from being released. Proper cleaning and maintenance will also help prevent odors.

Don’t the costs of the cartridges exceed the water/sewer cost savings?

The answer is yes, and no. Some cartridges are costly and must be replaced every couple of months. Others are inexpensive and interestingly, last longer. Investigate the different systems available before selecting any no-water urinals.


About Waterless

Waterless Co. Inc. has established a well-respected reputation as being an innovative manufacturer of no-water urinal systems. Based in Vista, Ca, the company was started in 1991 and is the oldest marketer of waterless urinals in North America. The company manufactures a full line of Waterless No-Flush urinals, cleaning liquids, and cost-saving restroom accessories. Visit: www.waterless.com