Eleven Ways to Protect Theater Patrons
The movie and theater industry, hit hard by the pandemic, is slowly reopening.
To ensure they open safely and to protect the health of theatergoers, Klaus Reichardt, CEO and Founder of Waterless Co., Inc., celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year, offers the following suggestions:
Create a written COVID-19 prevention plan. Designate at least one person to ensure the plan is implemented.
Establish a social distancing system for waiting lines.
Require temperature and symptom checks of workers, vendors, and contractors, as well as theatergoers, upon entering the facility.
Install hand sanitizers at building entries and throughout the theater.
All employees should wear disposable gloves and be taught how to take them off properly.
Restrooms should be cleaned and disinfected throughout the day; at the end of each day, consider using electrostatic disinfecting spraying systems after restrooms have been cleaned.
In restrooms, install lids on toilets and replacing water-using urinals with waterless urinals. Both will help prevent the release of airborne pathogens that could spread the disease.
Install messaging posters to remind the public to wear face coverings, practice physical distancing, wash their hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, and use hand sanitizer.
Equip counters, terminals, desks, and help counters with hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes for staff and theatergoers.
Adjust movie timing to allow for adequate cleanings of theaters between showings. Arm rests and the tops of seats will need to be wiped down between screenings.
Where possible, do not clean floors by sweeping or other methods that disperse pathogens into the air unless. Whenever possible, use a vacuum with a HEPA filter.
“There are many more things we can add, but one is to be sure that patrons know all you are doing to protect their health,” adds Reichardt. “This will encourage them to follow the rules and do their part as well.”