Pioneers in Advancing Water Efficiency, Waterless Co., Inc., markets the world’s most water efficient urinal fixtures in the market today.

Waterless Co. Inc. urinals are easy to install, cost-effective, come in different shapes and models, can be used in residential as well as commercial facilities, and last for years.

a natural and in some cases disastrous occurrence throughout history.
With the world's ever increasing population and strains on our natural resources,
water has become the primary concern for many countries, if not by now, the world.
Awareness to consume less water is now being taught in schools so hopefully our next generations
value water even more and carry their knowledge and behavioral changes forward.

budgets are an annual struggle. Two that are hard to predict are electricity and water/sewer costs. These have risen dramatically from year to year over the past decade. In some cases, they have more than doubled. Regarding a building’s indoor water use, the restroom is where water can be saved the most and most efficiently. By installing no-water urinals, highly efficient toilets, restricted flow faucets, and low flow shower heads, a restroom can reduce water consumption by as much as 50 percent.

No-flush urinals offer additional savings through fewer inventory parts to keep, reduced vandalism, fewer chemicals needed for cleaning, and a more hygienic environment due to the urinal’s dryness.

Other advantages of no-water, Waterless Urinal System can be found on our website under Advantages.

one does its due diligence. We urge you to look around the web and compare our systems with others. You will find that our Waterless No-Flush urinals are the least expensive. Urinals start at $365, EcoTrap inserts/cartridges at only $9.25. They are the least expensive to operate plus we offer the most models on the market. Materials are our traditional and best selling HPC (High Performance Composites) as well as standard ceramic. HPC models also can be made in any color (5 units minimum).


Waterless Co strives to be a good steward of the environment that we daily work in.

What we are doing for the Environment in our offices:

  • Reuse packaging boxes in shipping department where feasible

  • Reuse packaging materials in shipping department

  • Minimize packaging material in shipping where applicable

  • Reuse shipping pallets in shipping and repair where possible

  • Use recycled paper

  • Recycle papers from all work stations

  • Recycle all food packaging, plastic containers, aluminum cans, glass bottles, etc...

  • Installed high efficiency lighting in Headquarters and warehouse

  • Company printed materials on recycled paper/card stock where feasible

  • Use green cleaners where feasible in office cleaning

  • Recycle toner cartridges from printers

  • Invite employee suggestions to do more yet

  • Installed low flow fixtures in restrooms (yes, the men’s restroom has a Waterless urinal)

  • Installed low flow and drip irrigation in small yard area of HQ

  • Changed large delivery van to smaller type van

  • Depending on time of year, minimize or eliminate use of AC

  • Natural airflow used by opening doors, windows or gates, when climate allows

Pushing the so-called envelope is fun and keeps us striving for more!